Powers & Functions
- Must approve, in consultation with the Speaker, the use of office and meeting space by councilors and political parties;
- Is responsible for granting leave of absence to councilors from meetings of council and its committees in accordance with the applicable Rules of Order;
- To assist the Speaker to determine a program of training for the developmental needs of councilors
- Must assist the speaker determine the schedule of dates, times and venue of ordinary council meetings.
- Recommend to the speaker which councilors must serve in the section 79 committees in consultation with party whips;
- Must ensure that whips monitor whether Councilors report back to constituencies;
- Must exercise political oversight over all matters pertaining to administrative functions of portfolio committees;
- Responsible for the smooth functioning of Portfolio Committees.
- To Monitor the implementation of Council resolutions by their respective political parties;
- The allocation of Speakers and determination of speaking time in Council;
- To harmonize relation between their various political parties in Council and;
- Discipline members of their respective parties whenever the Code of Conduct for Councilors is breached.